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A mixture of development team members and supporters – ten in all – came together for ten-pin bowling fun on Wednesday 13th March. There was a real mix of ages, gender and abilities, which was good to see.

Many of our socials involve us sharing our thoughts and ideas about cohousing and related subjects over tea and snacks, which is really valuable of course, but this time we opted for a bit of action and silliness, and I can safely say that all who came found it refreshing!

Julian and Rich were commanding players – Julian surely deserves the ‘best strike celebration’ award – but all of us found our eye and bowled above our initial estimations of skills!

The evening gave us a chance to see each other in a different light and to bond in ways that engaged more than our minds and our knowledge. On the surface, experiences such as these are just great fun, but beneath that they establish the ‘community glue’ that generates empathy, solidarity and resilience for the future; when, inevitably, challenges will arise that can only be resolved by drawing on the fund of fellow-feeling, trust and understanding that we have paid into in our lighter times and activities.

Our community circle is planning lots more cool and interesting stuff to do – and we’re always open to ideas, of course. If you have suggestions, get in touch, or if you want to join us for our next social, whether you are a member or supporter or have only just happened upon us, flippin’ well do! We’d love to see you, to learn more about you, and to whoop you at any and every game – oops, did I say that last bit out loud?

Next social: Sunday 14thApril, 2019, The Avenue Bridge Club, Third Ave, Hove BN3 2PB – open to all comers.

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