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Sussex Cohousing originated several years ago as Brighton Cohousing, a research based group. The group went through several changes in membership and the work undertaken during that period informed where we are now and how we work together.


Over the years the Development Team has varied between 4 and 10 people, always working together diligently and patiently to build a robust project. We believe that collaborative communication and clear processes are fundamental to the group's sustainability and are enjoying working together as a group.


Currently we are made up of one General Circle managing the project. We meet once or twice a month online or occasionally in person in socially distanced spaces. We each pay a monthly subscription to cover core costs.


We also have a number of supporters who contribute a small monthly donation to the project.


Our Vision, Mission, Principles and Values underpin what we collectively want from the project and reflect the values and desires of the core group. They include information on size, location, eco-principles, shared resources as well as individual space, diversity and affordability.


© 2015 Sussex Cohousing

Site created by Rich Taylor

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